GOLDPoint Systems Blog

Original articles created to support the lending industry.


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Bliss Crandall B. Lynn Crandall DHI Anniversary

2 min read

70th Anniversary Celebration!

On Monday, July 1st, GOLDPoint Systems’ parent company, DHI Computing Service, Inc., celebrated its 70th anniversary! To commemorate this important occasion, DHI held an anniversary event for its employees that afternoon. Provo Mayor Michelle...

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ODIC Authentication GOLDPoint Systems

4 min read

OIDC—The Authentication You Need

In the digital landscape that we live in, and with the ever-present threat of cyber attacks, companies need to be ever vigilant. Maintaining the...

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Take Pictures of Loan Collateral

3 min read

Info Capture: The Easy Way to Add Photos to Your Application

We are pleased to announce the release of our new photo-capturing app, Info Capture. This browser-based app lets you quickly and simply take photos...

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Search Update Archives GOLDPoint Systems

1 min read

Searching Update Archives is About to Get Easier

When GOLDPoint Systems (GPS) migrated over to the Help Center, the vast majority of changes were improvements over our old site. This included the...

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Amortization GOLDPoint Systems

4 min read

Amortization Deep Dive: The Rule of 78s

As we talked about previously, there are many reasons why understanding amortization methods is helpful for financial professionals. Today, we’re...

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GOLDPoint Systems prevents phishing

2 min read

What’s Your Anti-Phishing Strategy?

In today's digital age, where online banking and electronic communication have become the norm, ensuring the security of financial information is...

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GILA Loans

1 min read

What Are GILA Loans?

If you spend any amount of time looking over GOLDPoint Systems documentation, you’ve probably come across the term GILA Loan once or twice. But what...

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Photo by Mikhail Nilov

2 min read

Amortization Methods: Why Bother?

In today’s world, where sophisticated computers effortlessly crunch numbers and calculate complex payment structures, it might seem redundant for...

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General Ledger Platinum GOLDPoint Systems

2 min read

Breaking News: First G/L Platinum Client Live!

On Thursday, January 25th, one of our clients fully converted to G/L Platinum, becoming GOLDPoint Systems’ first client to go live! The conversion...

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Photo by Lukas: Pexels

3 min read

GOLDPoint Systems’ 2023 In Review: Last Year’s Development Highlights

2023 was a big year for GPS and its clients. We continued the march towards our all-Web future, servicing a ton of loans and making our client...

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Photo by Engin Akyurt Pexels

2 min read

2023 By the Numbers

Once again, it’s been a stellar year here at GOLDPoint Systems. That’s because you, our clients, are doing great business. Let’s look at the numbers,...

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Photo by Anete Lusina at Pexels

2 min read

Pay-by-Text: Our Client’s Year in Review

Pay-by-Text is one of our most exciting features, so we were thrilled when one of our clients began offering it to their customers this past year....

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Photo by Song Kaiyue

1 min read

Tips and Tricks for Reducing Slowdown in CIM GOLD

Do you ever find yourself working in CIM GOLD and thinking it feels…sluggish?

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