A General Ledger for Every Lender

We get it. You need accounting software to track finances your way.

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Accurate accounting. Financial Health.

Ensure your institution's success with precise, simplified accounting through GL Platinum, GOLDPoint's powerful general ledger system.

"GOLDPoint's General Ledger system allows me to manage my entire company.  The flexibility and robustness of what GOLDPoint offers makes my job so much easier."

Jeremy W.

Features and benefits

accounting with GL Platinum

GL Platinum facilitates ease of use and custom design to make your accounting experience much more enjoyable.

With GL Platinum, you can:

  • Set up & modify org charts
  • Choose when to close an accounting period to data entry
  • Perform year-end closing function as often as desired
  • Design your own financial statements
  • See journal entries post immediately to the GL
  • Upload entries from a spreadsheet
  • Automatically post reversing entries to the next accounting period

    ...and much more.

See GL Platinum in action

Request a personal demo by filling out the form in the button below.

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