GOLDPoint Systems Blog

Checklists: The System Remembers So You Don’t Have To

Written by Charles Burnett | March 23, 2022

Whether you have new employees in training or seasoned employees with a lot on their plate, it’s always helpful to have resources that prevent important parts of their jobs from being forgotten. This is especially true in the world of loan servicing, where managing borrowers’ finances necessitates extra diligence in making sure every t is crossed and every i is dotted… not just to keep customers happy, but the law as well.

A new checklist tool is available in CIM GOLD (GOLDPoint Systems’ loan processing software) which allows you to set up task lists for your employees to reference and check off. Today, we’ll be explaining the process of setting up these checklists and inviting you to consider the possibilities for how they can be implemented at your institution for maximum efficiency and minimum headaches.

Creating Tasks

The basic building block of a checklist is a task. These are the actual “to-do” items that your employees will sign off on (“verify address,” “run bankruptcy transaction,” “check for Hold Code 48,” etc). In the example screenshot below, you’ll see the Checklist Task Setup screen where tasks are created in the system.

Creating Lists

Once your tasks are created, they can be organized into checklists on the Checklist Setup screen (shown below). This is where you can give each checklist a Title and Instructions to help employees know what is expected or when the checklist should be followed (“post closure,” “pre-bankruptcy,” “newly opened,” etc). You can also indicate whether the checklist will be visible to employees using the Active checkbox.

Completing Checklists

Once your checklists are created, they can be filled out by the employees who service customer loans. To do this, they simply need to open the customer account, navigate to the Checklists screen (shown below), select the appropriate checklist, and mark each checkbox (and click <Save>) as they complete each task. The system remembers the status of each checkbox and displays the employee username and date each task was marked as complete.


If your institution would like to start using these checklists to guide your loan servicing employees, there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind:

  • Certain setup, service, and configuration settings must be adjusted on GOLDPoint's end before these Checklist screens can be used. Taking advantage of this feature will require contacting your GOLDPoint account manager.
  • Checklists are a brand new loan servicing feature that is completely institution-defined, and as such are currently used for informational purposes only. They do not affect (or are affected by) any system process. This means that the system will not verify whether a task’s status is “correct.” For example, if an employee checks off a task instructing them to verify that a bankruptcy was processed properly, the system will not check for bankruptcies on the account or return error messages if none are present.
  • Checklists are currently used for loan accounts only.

GOLDPoint Systems is always striving to implement new features to make your institution more efficient and successful, and a cornerstone of our company’s success has always been our willingness to work with our clients and customize our products to fit your specific needs. If you want to use this new checkbox feature, or if you have ideas for how enhancements to it could further benefit your institution, contact your GOLDPoint account manager to discuss how we can best serve you.