GOLDPoint Systems Blog

3 Report Settings to Consider in Searches for Specific Transactions

Written by Cindy Fisher | February 27, 2020

Transactions are the lifeblood of a loan. Without transactions, the loan stagnates and does nothing. Transactions are the means by which funds move from loan accounts to general ledger accounts. General ledger accounts are basically the mini-bank for how your business runs. It’s where funds are deposited to and debited from for every part of the lending process (funding, payments, reversals, amortization, payoffs, etc.).

Transactions also adjust balances and fields, such as changing the Principal Balance after a payment or flagging the account as delinquent.

Tran Codes

For each transaction that is run, a transaction code (or “tran code,” as we call them) is applied. This makes it especially helpful when viewing account history, as the tran code indicates what activity has transpired on the account. For example, a tran code 600 indicates a payment; tran code 660 is for assessing miscellaneous fees on the loan; and tran code 570 indicates late charges have been waived.

GOLDPoint Systems has hundreds of tran codes, and you can read more about them in the Loan Transactions manual in DocsOnWeb.

GOLDPoint Systems provides many built-in, tried-and-true reports for important transactions you may want to pay special attention to. The Selected Transaction Report, for example, shows any account where the following transactions were run:

  • Repossessions (tran code 2203-00)
  • Interest-only payment (tran code 2600-03)
  • Waive interest (tran code 2510-01)
  • Waive late charges (tran code 570)
  • Pay miscellaneous fees (tran code 850)
  • Assess miscellaneous fees (tran code 660)

You can view this report in GOLDView Plus, which is found in our loan management system called CIM GOLD. Search for “FPSRP231” to view those reports. See the Selected Transaction Report (FPSRP231) help in DocsOnWeb for more information.

Tip: If you are currently not set up to view this report, contact your GOLDPoint Systems account manager to have the report set up for your institution.


TORCs define where the transaction originated. TORC stands for Transaction Origination Code. For example, if a payment was made via ACH (checking or savings account) through your website, the payment transaction (tran code 600) would be accompanied by TORC 004.

TORCs can be helpful if you want to generate a report showing all transactions originating from the same place. Some of the most common TORCs are:

  • 001 - GOLDPhone Payment by Credit Card (Customer made a payment via your phone line.)
  • 002 - GOLDPhone Payment by ACH
  • 003 - Web Payment by Credit Card
  • 004 - Web Payment by ACH
  • 006 - Call-in Payment by ACH
  • 033 - Loan Payment from Lockbox (Lockbox could mean a payment via a central payment location or from another bank, such as when a customer sets up payments from their banking website, and the bank routes the payment through FRB, to the bank you do business with, and then to your institution.)

Tip: For a full list of loan TORCs, see the Loan System TORCs topic in DocsOnWeb.

Teller Numbers

Every transaction made on a loan is assigned a teller number. Teller numbers can be tied to actual employees at your institution, as well as to automatic, afterhours processing done by the system. For example, teller number 8910 always indicates an automatic change by the system in the afterhours (such as amortization).

  • Teller numbers 5610, 5620, 5630, 5640, 5650, 5660, 5670, 5680, 5710, and 5720 are for payments made from a phone system (we call ours “GOLDPhone”).
  • Teller numbers 5611, 5621, 5631, 5641, 5651, 5661, 5671, 5681, 5711, and 5721 are reserved for payments made through your website.
  • Teller numbers 9998 and 9999 usually indicate it’s a recurring payment.

Using Tran Codes, TORCs, and Teller Numbers to Build Reports

You can use a combination of tran codes, TORCs, and teller numbers to build effective reports that will help you understand the state of accounts at any given day. Use GOLDPoint Systems amazing reporting tool called GOLDMiner to build these reports.

Let’s put a few of these into practice. We learn best by seeing real examples.

Scenario 1:

You are the manager of a branch who wants to make sure your newest teller is processing transactions correctly. You’d like to view all the transactions he ran yesterday to see his workload and view more details of the accounts.

1. Open CIM GOLD and go to Report Warehouse GOLDMiner.

2. Click Add and give your report a name, such as “New Teller’s Daily Transactions,” then click the OK button to close out the New Data pop-up box.

3. Double-click the name of the new report you just created in the list to open the Field Selection tab.

4. From the Main Record field, select “CFLN – Loan Master.”

5. In the middle window pane, scroll to (or search for) “LN4NBR – Account Number with Branch,” and check that box. (Steps 1-5 not included in screen example below.)

6. Scroll to the bottom of the left pane until you see this record: TF10 – Tranlog Type FP System 10. Select that record.

7. In the middle pane, check the boxes next to the following fields: TF10TLR – Teller ID, TF10TCD – Transaction Code, and TF10DAT – Transaction DATE YYMMD

8. Click the Logic tab. (See these steps below.)

9. From the Field drop-down list on the Logic tab, select “TELLER_ID_TF10TLR.”

10. In the Operator field, select “Equal To”.

11. In the Value field, type the number of the employee who you want to view transactions. In our example, we want to view transactions made by teller number 1907.

12. Click Add.

13. Now select “TRANSACTION_DATE_YYMMDD_TF10DAT” from the Field drop-down; “Equal To” in the Operator field; and enter yesterday’s date in YYMMDD format in the Value field.

14. Click Add, then go to the Deployment tab. See the following example of these steps:

15. On the Deployment tab, click Run Immediate. The Results tab will show.

16. Your report will have the status “Waiting.” Click Query/Refresh a few times until the status changes to “Completed.”

17. Double-click the report once it has the completed status to open it in Excel.

The report will show all the transactions performed by the teller for yesterday’s date, as shown below. Looks like our newest teller isn’t so busy.

Scenario 2:

You want to see how many times reversal payment transactions occurred yesterday. Reversal payments use tran code 608. You also want to view the TORCs to see where the reversal originated. Here’s how you would set up that report:

1. Repeat steps 1 – 6 from Scenario 1 above, but give this report a different name, such as “Reversal Payments.”

2. In the middle pane, check the boxes next to the following fields: TF10TLR – Teller ID, TF10TCD – Transaction Code, TF10DAT – Transaction DATE YYMMDD, and TF10TOR – Transaction Origination Code.

3. Click the Logic tab. (See these steps below.)

4. From the Field drop-down list on the Logic tab, select “TRANSACTION_CODE_TF10TCD.”

5. In the Operator field, select “Equal To”.

6. In the Value field, type “608” which indicates reversal payments.

7. Click Add.

8. Now select “TRANSACTION_DATE_YYMMDD_TF10DAT” from the Field drop-down; “Equal To” in the Operator field; and yesterday’s date in YYMMDD format in the Value field.

9. Click Add, then go to the Deployment tab. See the following example of these steps:

10. On the Deployment tab, click Run Immediate. The Results tab will show.

11. Your report will have the status “Waiting.” Click Query/Refresh a few times until the status changes to “Completed.”

12. Double-click the report once it has the “Completed” status to open it in Excel.

The report will show all tran code 608 (returned payment) transactions performed yesterday, as shown below:

We could come up with a dozen or more scenarios that put these three key fields into practice. Don’t shy away from using these fields in your next report.